General FAQs

What size is my solar system?

If your solar system was installed by Eco Ease, you can find the details on your invoice or in the job completion pack you received via email or mail.

However, if you bought a home with an existing solar system but lack the paperwork, you might be curious about its capacity in kilowatts.

Knowing the exact specifications of your solar installation, especially its size, is crucial for optimising its performance and ensuring it aligns with your energy requirements.

Examine Your Installation and Purchasing Documents
Start by reviewing the installation documents provided by the solar panel company. These typically contain system specifications, such as kilowatt (kW) or megawatt (MW) capacity. Look for a document titled “system specifications” or something similar. If the previous owner cannot locate this information, the installation company should have a record. Ask the previous owner for the company’s name that installed the system and contact them for details.

Inspect The Inverter and Solar Panels
The inverter, the heart of your solar system, converts the DC power generated by the panels into usable AC power. Inverters usually have a nameplate with system information, including size and capacity.

Find your inverter, typically near your main electrical panel, and note the details on the nameplate. For example, if you have a 5-kW model, your system is likely between 4.5 kW and 6.6 kW. Keep in mind that panels can be oversized by up to one-third of the inverter’s capacity.

Another method is to count the number of solar panels. Over the years, panels have increased in wattage capacity and size. For instance, if you have 20 panels and they are 250W each, your system has a capacity of 5000W or 5 kW.

Online Monitoring
Modern solar systems often include online monitoring tools and apps that allow homeowners to track real-time performance. Log in to the monitoring platform provided by your solar company (or hopefully, the previous owner shared this information with you) and access the section displaying system specifications.

This section typically includes details like daily energy production, current power output, and the overall size of your solar system.

Arrange a Professional Assessment
For a more hands-on approach, consider scheduling a professional assessment with Eco Ease. We will visit your home, inspect your solar installation, and provide a detailed report, including the size and efficiency of your system.

Understanding the size of your existing solar system is crucial for making informed decisions about energy usage, maintenance, and potential expansions.

By using documentation, inspecting your inverter, leveraging online monitoring tools, contacting your solar installer, or scheduling a professional assessment, you can uncover the key details about your solar installation and determine the financial benefits your current system provides.

What energy retailer should I use?

Ultimately, this is a decision only you can make. However, we can direct you to a helpful, independent resource managed by the State Government.

NSW – https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

When selecting an energy retailer, keep these factors in mind:

Rate Charged per kWh (Kilowatt Hour): The cost you pay for each unit of electricity consumed.

Service Charge: This is typically a daily fee for being connected to the grid.

Feed-in Tariff Rate: The rate at which you are compensated for any excess energy your solar system exports back to the grid

How do I maximise my solar savings

To maximise the benefits of your solar energy, remember that solar panels generate electricity during daylight hours. Taking advantage of this free electricity while the sun is shining can significantly reduce your energy costs. Depending on the size of your solar system and your household’s power needs, you can run multiple appliances simultaneously during the day. To get the most out of your solar system, consider scheduling energy-intensive tasks such as using the dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, or pool pump for daylight hours.

Solar Panel Maintenance

In most cases, solar panels don’t require frequent cleaning, as they are generally self-cleaning when installed at an angle that allows rain to wash away dirt. However, regular maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance. The need for cleaning can vary based on your location and environmental factors like dirt, mould, sea salt, and bird droppings, which can accumulate and block sunlight, reducing the panels’ efficiency.

Solar System Monitoring
Keeping your solar panels operating efficiently involves monitoring your home’s energy usage. Several apps can help you track your energy consumption and link directly to your solar panels. These tools provide detailed insights into your daily and half-hourly energy usage and total feed-in credit, enabling you to make informed decisions about your energy use and maximise the benefits of your solar system.

What do I do if my solar & battery system breaks down?

If there is a fire call 000 immediately.

Then call any of the Eco Ease team:

Benn Hart: 1300 793 901

If you notice sparks or a burning smell, immediately initiate the shut-down procedure located on your inverter. Then, contact us right away. We will dispatch a team as soon as possible to investigate the issue.

I have just had a letter asking to audit my system, what does this mean? Should I do it?

Understanding a Solar System Audit Request
Receiving a letter requesting an audit of your renewable solar system might be concerning, but it’s important to understand the purpose and implications before deciding whether to comply.

First, don’t worry. This request doesn’t indicate any problems with your system.

Purpose of the Audit
Government bodies overseeing rebate and incentive schemes, like the Clean Energy Regulator, routinely conduct random audits of solar PV and home storage battery systems. These audits assess the quality of installations nationwide and ensure compliance with rebate and incentive scheme requirements.

An independent auditor will review your system, ask some questions, and request to see any paperwork related to your installation. This is why it’s crucial to keep the comprehensive email we sent you after your installation.

If the auditor finds any issues, both you and the installer will be notified, and the installer will have a certain number of days to respond. We ask that you send us a copy of the audit letter for our records and to address any internal matters.

Voluntary Participation
Participation in the audit is voluntary. You are not required to comply if you choose not to.

Should You Comply?
Deciding whether to comply with an audit request depends on several factors:

Legitimacy of the Request:
Verify the authenticity of the audit letter. Ensure it is from a recognized authority or solar regulatory body. While scams involving fraudulent audit requests are rare, they can occur.

Legal Obligations:
A solar audit is not mandated by law or industry regulations, so non-compliance will not have legal consequences. However, understanding your obligations and the potential benefits of an audit is crucial. An audit can provide assurance about the safety and quality of your system, often at no cost to you.

Potential Benefits:
Consider the benefits of the audit. It could lead to improvements in your PV system and enhance operational efficiency.

Privacy and Confidentiality:
If the audit involves sensitive information, ensure measures are in place to protect your privacy. Discuss any concerns with the auditing party.

In Summary
Receiving a letter requesting a system audit can be daunting, but remember that it is voluntary and can offer potential benefits.

We encourage our customers to participate in the audit process, as it benefits the industry by upholding high standards of equipment, installation, and safety. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.

I can’t find the email that you sent me with all the documents relating to my system, what do I do?

Keeping all relevant documentation from Eco Ease about your PV system is crucial for future maintenance, warranty claims, or potential upgrades. However, it’s not uncommon to lose or misplace the email containing these essential documents.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry. Here are some helpful tips to recover your documents:

Check Your Spam or Junk Folder
Start by checking your spam or junk email folder. Emails with multiple PDFs or specific content might mistakenly be filtered into these folders. If you find the missing email there, mark it as “Not Spam” to prevent this from happening in the future.

Use the Search Function
Utilise the search function in your email platform to look for keywords related to your solar installation, including our company name. This can help you locate the email even if it’s not in your primary inbox.

Contact Eco Ease Directly
If you still can’t find the email, reach out to us directly. Email Benn Hart at benn@ecoease.com.au, and he will resend the necessary documents.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you have all the important information about your solar PV system readily available.